The Che Store takes your privacy and security seriously! The mission of The Che Store is to offer you quality, licensed Che Guevara merchandise at great prices in a positive, private and secure online shopping environment.


  • Personal Information. The Che Store only requests personal information (such as your name, address, and e-mail address) when you purchase one of our products or sign up for one of our contests or mailing lists. We do not request, collect or store personal information if you merely browse our web site. If you choose to purchase a product and supply the requested information, we never sell, trade, or otherwise share any of this information with any other company or organization. Instead, the information you supply is used only for two purposes. First, if you order with a credit card, your address information is supplied to your credit card company to verify that it matches the cardholder billing address. Second, if you sign up for one of our contests or mailing lists, your e-mail will be used to send you only the information for which you signed up. You may unsubscribe from our mailing lists at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in every e-mail that we send you. Again, we do not share any of this information with any other company or organization.
  • Cookies. Our secure ordering web site uses cookies. A cookie is a unique number generated by our server that allows us to track your progress from page to page as you order, and allows you to resume your order where you left off if you are disconnected. Cookies cannot be used to reference any personal information unless you supply it yourself by typing it, and cookies can not track you once you leave the secure ordering section of our web site.


We understand that shopping online can feel risky and uncertain. Where does your information go? How can you be sure that someone out there with a computer can't intercept your credit card information? Because your credit card security is our highest priority, The Che Store has taken steps to ensure that your payment information is processed accurately, confidentially and securely.

Payment is made through one of two secure payment gateways, Chase Paymentech or PayPal, depending on which one you prefer to use. Both use advanced secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology, which makes it virtually impossible for unauthorized parties to read any information that you submit with your order. So, there's no risk! In fact, shopping online at The Che Store is statistically safer than using your credit card at a restaurant or department store.